Gesdeportiva - Tecnología para el baloncesto. Gesdeportiva - Tecnología para el baloncesto.

ABSS from Chile joins Gesdeportiva

ABSS from Chile joins Gesdeportiva
ABSS from Chile joins Gesdeportiva
ABSS from Chile joins Gesdeportiva
ABSS from Chile joins Gesdeportiva
ABSS from Chile joins Gesdeportiva

The Santiago Senior Basketball Association from Chile will use Gesdeportiva next season and will be our first client in the country.

The Santiago Senior Basketball Associaton (ABSS) was founded in 1978. Since its beginnings, the ABSS has growth a lot, becoming a prominent platform in the field of Senior Basketball. 

Nowadays it has more than 1000 active players distributed in about 80 teams from 30 clubs.

With the join of ABSS Gesdeportiva is en 8 American countries: Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Perú, Costa Rica and Chile.

We are excited to collaborate with ABSS in this project, since we share the commitement with the inclusive develpment of basketall, both male and female. We are are sure our that system will facilitate its work and will take it to a new level.