New update of the Fan App: display of the digital license to referees and team members New update of the Fan App: display of the digital license to referees and team members 12 de February del 2021 We continue to evolve and offer improvements to the Fan App. We have included a new option in the Fan App of our federations and leagues that allows referees, players, coaches, delegates, etc. Obtain your digital federation license, necessary for travel to train or participate (as a player, coach or referee) in those official competitions that are allowed in periods of mobility restrictions.The referees must identify themselves in the app with the data they already have to access the Acta Digital application. To do this, you must click on the silhouette that appears in the upper right part of the screen after opening the app. Once identified, the section ‘MY LICENSES’ appears first on the screen, where ‘User Area’ will appear. By clicking there, your photo, name and a list of the licenses you have will appear. Clicking on one of them will open a window with the corresponding license.For players, coaches, delegates or other components, it will require that a person in charge of the club with access to Gesdeportiva authorizes the access and provides the user and the necessary password. The process to grant access is very simple. The person in charge will access the player's file in Gesdeportiva, either from their own team, or from the 'Components' option, and there they will find an option called 'Access Data', where they will write down the username and password that they deem appropriate, and which will be the one provided to the interested party. Access to the component in the Fan App will be identical to that described for referees.In both cases, once the access data has been entered, both the 'MY LICENSES' section of the person accessing will appear, as well as the 'MY CLUB TEAMS' section, where the equipment for which said person is licensed will be included. And, of course, the sections ‘MY TEAMS’ and ‘MY PLAYERS’ will also appear, where those teams and / or players that the user wishes to follow will be included.